Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Van Gogh

I am addicted to this song "Vincent". And the lyric starts with "Starry Starry Night...".

Don McLean wrote Vincent in 1971 after reading a book about the life of artist Vincent Van Gogh. In the 1970s, the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam played the song daily and a copy of the sheet music, together with a set of Van Gogh's paint brushes, is buried in a time capsule beneath the museum.

There are other versions by Chyi, Josh Groban. But still listening to Don McLean belting out this song in the middle of the night will give you goose bumps. A touchy-feely sensation swamps over my body and mind. Sometimes it will bring tears to my eyes.

1 comment:

William said...

Love the song and the painting!